10 Great DIY Hacks to Make Life A Little Easier
We did a little searching for some great hacks to make things a bit easier. I'll be honest, I actually spend time looking up these hacks just for fun.
Here are ten of my favorites:
Cleaning Legos
My OCD wants germ free legos organized by shape and color. Tell me that doesn't sound awesome. Well ok, at the very least you can get those Legos cleaned up in one shot. I love this one :)
Reminder/To Do Boards
White boards aren't pretty. You can try but at the end of the day they are still just whiteboards. Try using a favorite pattern in a frame. It can be paper, fabric, whatever but not too dark or busy. Quick, easy and it looks great.
CD/DVD Organization
I tried, I did but throwing out dvds of movies I still like is hard and let's face it, I'm not techy. Uploading these bad boys to my computer is a distant thought. Until that day, this works and pretty well. You can really use any flat surface with a little boost up to make this happen. Get creative.
Towel/Clothes Hanging Rack
Let's say it. Towel racks may be a thing of the past. They aren't super efficient and look how cool this idea is here. Vintage is always fun because it adds a lot of character. BUT for those of us who like a more modern look, find modern hooks to use together in a row. Consider securing them to a board of some sort first. It helps eliminate extra holes in the wall and you will only need to find about two or three studs.
Nails & Hammer Trick
This idea is pretty cool. How many times have you had to climb a ladder for one little thing only to climb up and down 46 times because you keep dropping the darn nail? Hmmmm, I'm diggin' this magnet.
Unscrewing Stripped Screws
This is the worst. And it only happens to me when a.) I have a limited amount of time and b.) when I finally make the time to address whatever it is I'm trying to fix. I mean seriously, you finally get started on the project and you have six more projects to do before you can even get going. Here is one way to make it a bit less painful.
Painting Hack
If you don't already have "Pressn'Seal" in your home you are missing out. This stuff is pretty cool and look, another great way to use it.
Closet Organizing | Hanging Jeans
Ok fellas (and ladies too). You know who you are. The ones who cannot fold or hang an item to save your life. There are so many other things you would rather do. Meanwhile your closet looks like a tornado hit. Surveys say that 94% of purchased jeans are rarely folded or put away correctly. Here is a quick and simple solution to dealing with all of your jeans. Oh and we are kidding about the survey but hey, your closets gonna look great :)
Colored Keys
Digggggin' this one for sure! How many times have you finally remembered to pick up the little plastic key cover thingamajigs and then you get home to try them and they don't fit? Every time. No fail, they never work on all of my keys. So select they keys you want to differentiate, count them and then pick out a color palette. Start painting my friends. Super easy, works on lots of keys (be careful with the electronic ones) and vahhhlah :)
Swifter Sock Solution for Cleaning Floors
This is awesome. We actually have a bag of solo socks who have tragically lost their other half. Quick and easy plus you can wash and reuse.
Thank you to Buzzfeed, one of our favorite sources for interesteing things, DIY Hacks and tips.
Photo Credit: BuzzFeed
Source: Buzzfeed